Wednesday, September 16, 2009

As i am going to be designing a new front cover for the schools magazine the 'Victorian' i asked these questions to different people around Victoria College:

School Magazine Cover Questionnaire

Do you read the Victorian:

How are you involved with Victoria College:
Family member

Who do you think the Victorian Magazine should be aimed at:

What type of picture would you prefer to see as the main image on the front cover:

What Colour font should the title of the magazine be:
Black and Yellow
Red and Yellow

What type of font should be used for the title of the Victorian

Which part of the page should the title be on:

What would you like to see included in the Victorian?

Would you like to see the colours of the different houses used in the colour scheme of the contents page:
Not sure

Who do you think should write the articles inside the Victorian:
Members of staff

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This college magazine is targeted at students and the family of students at Boston College follows similar conventions to the West Point magazine:
  • Articles based on why this college is the best at what they do
  • use of several colours to attract readers
But this magazine goes by many different conventions not used in the other magazines:
  • the Masthead is seperated from the rest of the magazine
  • the main picture is not of a peron but of a building
  • the largest text on the cover is not the masthead it is a key word that would most appeal to the students of Boston College
this magazine was targeted at people who are or want to be at this college

Because my magazine cover will be for my college i will now look at this college magazines conventions:
  • Masthead - in the largest font for readers to identify the magazine easily in a store
  • Interesting Articles for attracting readers
  • use of several colours to attract readers
  • main picture in medium long shot
  • articles talk about why they are the best at what it is they do
This magazine is directed at cricket fans and players and follows some of the same conventions as the Rugby World Magazine:
  • Masthead - The largest text on the cover to attract the target audience to this magazine when it is on the shelves in a store
  • Main Article is in the next biggest text as to draw the eye of the reader
  • Interesting articles to attract the target audience
  • price on the cover
  • Well known players in larger font or different colour
  • Smaller picture of well known player
But this magazine follows some conventions that Rugby World does not follow:
  • Main Picture is a medium long shot rather than a close-up shot
  • picture interfears with the Masthead

this magazine is directed at a rugby playing audience it also follows certain magazine conventions:

  • Masthead - biggest writing
  • Main picture at Medium Close-Up - usually of a famous or well known person
  • Main articles in bigger text and bold
  • Interesting articles for audience
  • Price on cover
  • Big names in seperate colour or size text
  • Smaller Picture of another well known player