Sunday, October 11, 2009

When I asked 50 people if they read the Victorian 35 said yes 5 said no and 10 said sometimes.

Then I aked them how they were involved in the College, 20 were students 17 were family members 7 were teachers and 3 were others.

The next question I asked was who the magazine should be aimed at 22 said students and the other 28 said the magazine should be aimed at parents. This means that i shall make the magazine more informative about what has happened over the past year, and that the language i use can be more complex due to the higher intellectual capability odf the target audience

Then I asked what picture the magazine front cover should have. 7 people said sport, 3 said academic, 16 said a student, 14 said the building and 10 said the CCF. This means that i shall use a building on the front of my front cover and may include a student to make the cover more interesting.

I then asked what the colour scheme of the magazine should be, 27 said black and yellow, 6 said red, 2 said blue, 3 said green and 12 said red and yellow. This will mean that i will go with the colour scheme of the school to use in my magazine and shall be used throughout the magazine

When I asked what the type of text should be used in my magazine 7 said bold 22 said italic 18 said serif and 3 said sans-serif. So i shall use an italic font on the cover of my magazine but I shall use a serif font to inkeep with the schools old heritage.

Then I asked where the title should be placed, 33 said at the top of the page, 12 said it should be at the bottom and 5 said it should be in the middle. This shows me that i should place the title of the magazine at the top of the page

Then I asked what should be included in the magazine, answers included house information, CCF information, events, awards, sport, new arrivals and new features, i shall include as many of these things in my magazine to make the magazine more interesting and more diverse to the readers.

I asked if the magazine contents page should incorporate the colour of all the houses in it, all of the people I asked said that it should be included, this means I shall try and incorporate the colours into the headlines or the different features of the magazine.

Finally I asked who the articles of the magzine should be written by, 12 said students, 17 said members of staff and 31 said that they should be written by both, this means that the magazine will be more diverse and will have levels of depth that could not be shown if the articles were written by one or the other

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